The whole picture – with just a single click. Find out here where our branches are located, what services they offer and how to contact them.
XERVON’s business locations
Discover the world of REMONDIS with its approx. 1.000 branches and associated companies in over 30 countries across Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia.
Our company offers its employees great career prospects. Take a look here to find out about the vacancies we have on offer and the different ways you can join our company. Are you looking for an apprenticeship that will start you off on a successful career? Then send your application to us – we look forward to hearing from you! Please note that your application documents will not be returned to you by post if your application is unsuccessful. The documents will be destroyed in accordance with standard procedures once the retention period expires.
Further jobs, apprenticeships and internships can be found at the other companies belonging to the
REMONDIS Maintenance and Services